Políticas Internas
Asiento de comodidad
Guests who desire more room than one seat would provide may purchase an adjacent Main Cabin seat or can use a non-refundable ticket (originally purchased for a companion that now cannot travel) in order to maintain an open, adjacent seat. This additional seat is called a comfort seat.
Nota: Los clientes que no pueden sentarse cómodamente en un asiento con el apoyabrazos bajo deben ver nuestra política de segundo asiento.
Reservar lugar
Comfort seats cannot be purchased online. Please contact reservaciones for assistance. Our standard ticketing fee will be waived for the comfort seat only.
It is best to purchase the comfort seat at the same time as the first seat to ensure the best seat availability, but you can purchase a comfort seat (subject to availability) anytime prior to departure.
Comfort seats and connecting to other airlines
Because every carrier has its own policy for purchasing a comfort seat, we are only able to assist you with purchasing a comfort seat on Alaska Airlines flights 1-2999 and 3300-3499.
If your travels involve any other carrier, please contact them directly to inquire about their comfort seat policy.
A companion fare discount code and/or miles may be used to purchase a comfort seat when ticketed at the same time.
When making changes to a comfort seat itinerary, the change fee is waived for the comfort seat, but any applicable add-collect will apply to both fares. Tenga en cuenta que nuestros tarifas Saver only allow changes with our 24-hour cancellation policy and have limited seating options. Las tarifas Saver son elegibles para un crédito del 50% del valor del boleto cuando se cancela al menos 14 días antes de la salida del primer vuelo en el boleto. We do not recommend purchasing a Saver fare if you desire a comfort seat.
Any guest who chooses to purchase a comfort seat, even though they can fit comfortably within one seat with the armrests down, will be ineligible for a refund of the comfort seat, even if all segments of the itinerary depart with empty seats.
Equipaje documentado
Se aplican los cargos y exenciones estándar de equipaje documentado por cada asiento comprado.
Equipaje de mano
Each guest is limited to only one carry-on item (not to exceed 22" x 14" x 9") plus one personal item (such as a purse, briefcase or laptop) regardless of how many seats are purchased.
Crédito para millaje
Guests purchasing a comfort seat can earn Mileage Plan miles for both the guest seat and for the comfort seat. Mileage earned for the comfort seat does not count toward elite status.