Políticas Internas
Asientos en la fila de salida de emergencia
Asignaciones de asientos por anticipado
Emergency exit row seat assignments are based on availability. Exit row seating may be reserved in advance by the following passengers (provided they meet FAA qualifications):
- Miembros del Nivel Elite del Mileage Plan™
For all other customers who meet the FAA qualifications, Exit Row seat assignments may be purchased through the Seat Map.
Requisitos de la FAA para la fila de salida de emergencia
Cuando se sienta en una fila de salida de emergencia, puede suceder que le pidan que abra la salida y que ayude a los otros pasajeros para salir del avión si no hay disponible ningún miembro de la tripulación para hacerlo.
Because of this, and for the benefit of all passengers, Federal Law requires that passengers seated in the exit row MUST:
Have sufficient mobility, strength, or dexterity in both arms
and hands, and both legs to:
- moverse hacia arriba, los lados o abajo para alcanzar la salida de emergencia y los mecanismos de operación del tobogan de emergencias;
- agarrar y empujar, jalar, girar o manipular esos mecanismos como sea necesario;
- push, shove, pull, turn, or otherwise open emergency exits;
- lift out, hold, and deposit out the window, objects the size and weight of window exit doors;
- Remove obstructions similar in size and weight to exit doors;
- Reach the emergency exit expeditiously;
- Maintain balance while removing obstructions:
- Exit expeditiously;
- Stabilize the escape slide after deployment.
- Assist others in getting off the escape slide.
- Be able to locate emergency exit, recognize opening mechanism, and operate exit in an emergency.
- Be at least 15 years old and be able to perform these functions without assistance.
- Have ability to read and understand instructions which are provided in printed or graphic form and be able to understand oral crew commands in the English language
- Have sufficient visual capacity to perform these functions without assistance or visual aids beyond contact lenses or eyeglasses
- Have sufficient aural capacity to hear and understand crewmember instructions without assistance beyond a hearing aid
- Have ability to adequately impart information orally to other customers
- Not have a responsibility, such as a child under 15 years old, unless a second parent or guardian is seated elsewhere with child
- Not have a non-discernible condition that might prevent person from performing these functions
- Be willing and able to perform these functions without assistance
- Not have a condition that might cause a person to suffer bodily harm while performing these functions
- Not be using an assistive device (e.g. wheelchair, cane, crutches, MPEDs, cast, brace, etc.)
- Not traveling with a pet in cabin or service animal
Otros requisitos de la FAA para la fila de salida de emergencia
Además de los requisitos de la FAA mencionados, los clientes que viajan con una mascota en la cabina, y los que requieren una extensión para cinturones, no pueden sentarse en una fila de salida de emergencia.
Nota: Solamente se pueden utilizar en el avión las extensiones de cinturón de seguridad provistas por Alaska Airlines. El uso de extensiones de cinturón de seguridad no está permitido en las filas de salidas de emergencia por la seguridad de todos los pasajeros debido a la posibilidad de enredarse con las extensiones.