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View all rules Regla 1. Definiciones Regla 2. Formato Estándar de Reglas Electrónicas para la Tramitación de Tarifas Regla 3. Aplicación del Contrato Regla 4. Boletos Regla 5. Reservaciones Regla 6. Programación de Itinerarios, Reprogramación de Itinerarios y Escalas Regla 7. Cancelación de Reservaciones y Prácticas Prohibidas Regla 8. Responsabilidad por Demoras, Cancelaciones y Rechazo de Embarque Regla 9. Documentos de Viaje—Responsabilidad del Pasajero Regla 10. Revisión de Pasajeros y Equipajes Regla 11. Negativa de Transporte Regla 12. Servicios Especiales Regla 13. Aceptación de Niños Regla 14. Aceptación de Animales de Servicio Regla 15. Aceptación de Equipaje Regla 16. Servicios con Código Compartido Regla 17. Reembolsos Regla 18. Tarifas, Cargos y Divisas Regla 19. Limitaciones Adicionales de Responsabilidad para  Transporte Internacional Regla 20. Consentimiento para el Uso de Datos Personales

Regla 8. Responsabilidad por Demoras, Cancelaciones y Rechazo de Embarque

  1. General rules.
    1. Applicability The provisions of this Rule 8, other than for Section (G) below, apply to you only if you have a Ticket and a confirmed reserved space on one of our flights and there is a flight delay, flight change, flight diversion, or flight cancellation. If you are a standby guest, your rights are governed by Section (G) of this Rule 8.
    2. Notification. We will promptly notify you of any delay, change, diversion, or cancellation of your confirmed reserved space as soon as reasonably possible after it is confirmed. We will also notify you of aircraft changes. However, we are not liable for any misstatements or other errors or omissions in connection with providing that information.
    3. Schedules are Subjectto Change Without Notice. Any times shown on Tickets, timetables, published schedules or elsewhere, as well as any aircraft type and similar details reflected on any Tickets or in any of our flight schedules are not guaranteed and are not a part of this contract. We may (i) substitute alternate carriers or aircraft, (ii) delay or cancel flights, and (iii) alter or omit stopping places or connections shown on the Ticket at any time.
    4. Liability. Except to the extent provided in this Rule 8, we are not liable for failing to operate any flight according to schedule, or for any change in flight schedule, with or without notice to you.
  2. Definitions. For this Rule 8, the following terms have the meaning indicated below:
    1. Connecting Carrier(s) means the carrier or combination of carriers on whose flight(s) you originally held or hold confirmed reserved space from a Connecting Point to a destination, next Stopover or Connecting Point.
    2. Connecting Point means a point to which on one Ticket you hold or held confirmed reserved space on one carrier, and out of which you hold or held confirmed reserved space on the same or another carrier. All airports through which a city is served by any carrier will be deemed to be a single Connecting Point when the receiving carrier has confirmed reservations from the delivering carrier.
    3. Force Majeure Event means any of the following situations:
      1. Any condition beyond our control including, but not limited to meteorological or geological conditions, acts of God, riots, terrorist activities, civil commotions, embargoes, wars, hostilities, disturbances, or unsettled international conditions, either actual, anticipated, threatened, or reported, or any delay, demand, circumstances, or requirement due directly or indirectly to such condition.
      2. Any strike, work stoppage, slowdown, lockout, or any other labor-related dispute involving or affecting Alaska’s services.
      3. Any Government Law, demand, or requirement.
      4. Any shortage of labor, fuel, or facilities of Alaska or others.
      5. Damage to our Aircraft or equipment caused by another party.
      6. Any emergency requiring immediate care or protection for a person or property.
      7. Any event not reasonably foreseen, anticipated, or predicted by Alaska.
    4. Irregular Operations means any of the following irregularities:
      1. Se canceló su vuelo o su reservación de acuerdo con la Regla 7 (A).
      2. Tiene horario previsto de salida del aeropuerto de origen tres o más horas antes del horario de salida original para viajes domésticos o seis o más horas después de la hora de llegada programada para viajes internacionales;
      3. Tiene horario previsto de llegada al aeropuerto de destino tres o más horas después de la hora de llegada original para viajes domésticos o seis o más horas después de la hora de llegada programada para viajes internacionales.
      4. Se le programó la salida desde un aeropuerto de origen diferente o la llegada a un aeropuerto de destino diferente.
      5. Se le programó viajar en un itinerario con más puntos de conexión que el del itinerario original.
      6. Se lo trasladó a una clase de servicio inferior.
      7. You are an individual with a disability and are scheduled to travel through one or more connecting airports different from the original itinerary;or
      8. usted tiene una discapacidad y se le programó viajar en un avión sustituto en el que una o más características de accesibilidad necesarias para usted no están disponibles.
  3. Irregular Operations. The following rules apply to any Irregular Operation:
    1. Liability. Except as provided by law, we are not liable for any Irregular Operations.
    2. Irregular Operation. When your Ticket is affected by any Irregular Operation and we are the merchant of record, we will take one of the following actions:
      1. we will advise you of your right to a refund for any affected segments and refund your ticket in accordance with Rule 17 if you decide not to travel;
      2. we will refund you for any other part of your unused itinerary upon your request if you decide not to travel; or
      3. we will offer you, subject to availability and in lieu of a refund, an alternative itinerary on Alaska for any flight cancellation, and may offer you an alternative itinerary on Alaska or another carrier for any other Irregular Operation at no additional cost to you; or
      4. we will offer you a travel credit valid for five years from the date of issuance.

    NOTE: A cancellation means a flight with a specific flight number scheduled to be operated between a specific origin-destination city pair that was published in the carrier’s Computer Reservation System at the time of the ticket sale but not operated by the carrier.

    NOTE: If we are unable to transport you in the same class of service as provided in Section (C)(2)(A) of this Rule 8 and you decide to travel, we will provide a refund of the difference in fare.

  4. Force majeure event. In the event of a Force Majeure Event, we may cancel, terminate, divert, postpone, or delay any flight, right of carriage, or reservations (whether or not confirmed) without any prior notice to you and determine if any departure or landing should be made, without any liability to Alaska. We may re-accommodate you on another available Alaska flight or on another carrier or combination of carriers, or may refund any unused portions of your Ticket in the form of a travel certificate.
  5. Amenities and services for delayed guests. We will provide certain amenities to you as follows in the in the event of a lengthy delay caused by us:
    1. Hotel Rooms. If you experience an overnight stay at an airport located 100 or more miles away from your home because your flight is canceled or delayed due to circumstances within our control, complimentary hotel accommodations will be provided if there are available hotels in the area where the delay or cancellation occurs. Los alojamientos incluyen habitaciones individuales o familiares y transporte terrestre de ida y vuelta hasta un hotel en la zona del aeropuerto. Alaska proporcionará un vale para un hotel o, si no hay disponibilidad, hará un reembolso por los costos de alojamiento y transporte de ida y vuelo al aeropuerto.
    2. Meals. We will offer a reasonable meal to each ticket guest at the airport if the delay will extend beyond three (3) hours. No alcoholic beverages will be provided to any guests and specific meal options may depend on airport vendor availability.
    3. Ground Transportation. When lodging is provided to you in accordance with Section (E)(1) above of this Rule 8 and ground transportation is not furnished by the hotel, then, if available, we will provide ground transportation to the place of lodging or reimburse you for reasonable transportation expenses when accompanied by a receipt. Where ground transportation has been offered but not accepted by you for whatever reason, we are not liable to reimburse you for expenses relating to alternative ground transportation secured by you.
    4. Alternatively. We may provide you a with a travel credit in lieu of any of the above. Your acceptance of a travel credit indicates your waiver of any of the above amenities. Travel credit (i) will be valid for travel only on Alaska operated flights within five years of the date of issue, (ii) will apply only to online transportation via Alaska, (iii) may not be endorsed to or accepted by any other carrier, and (iv) is not refundable, nor saleable, transferable, or assignable by you.
  6. Contingency plan for lengthy tarmac delays. We are committed to providing our customers with a service quality and on-time performance level that ranks among the highest in the industry. The impact of weather, air traffic flow control, airport operations, and safety factors have occasionally caused tarmac delays. We have adopted detailed plans to manage and minimize lengthy tarmac delays, while providing a safe and pleasant travel experience to our customers. A copy of our Contingency Plan for Lengthy Tarmac Delays can be found at Comfort During Extended Delays Commitment - Alaska Airlines.
  7. Standy guest.
    1. Liability. Except to the extent provided in Section (G)(2) below of this Rule 8, we are not liable for failing to operate any flight according to schedule, or for any change in flight schedule, with or without notice to you.
    2. Your Options. Whenever we fail to operate any flight according to schedule or change the schedule of any flight, we will, at your request, either:
      1. transport you on another of our flights on which space is available; or
      2. refund you an amount determined in accordance with Rule 17: Refunds upon surrender of the unused portion of your Ticket.
  8. Denied Boarding Compensation

      The following provisions for denied boarding compensation apply to Alaska. For flights operated by Codeshare Partners, the Codeshare Partner's rules for denied boarding compensation apply. For a list of current Codeshare Partners and links to their contracts of carriage, see rule 16.

      If Alaska is unable to provide previously confirmed space due to more Passengers holding confirmed reservations and Tickets than there are available seats on a flight, some Passengers may be denied boarding on Alaska's flights and may be entitled to compensation. This Rule explains Alaska's obligations and the Passenger's rights in the case of an Oversold Flight in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation ("DOT"). Alaska will take the actions specified in the provisions of this Rule.

    1. Voluntary Denied Boarding and Request for Volunteers. If a flight is oversold (more Passengers hold confirmed reservations than there are seats available), no Passenger may be denied boarding against his or her will until Alaska's personnel first ask for volunteers who are willing to relinquish their confirmed reserved space voluntarily in exchange for compensation in an amount determined by Alaska (including, but not limited to, a check or an electronic travel certificate). The travel certificate will be valid only for Carriage on Alaska or one of our regional partners for one year from the date of issue and will have no refund value. If a Passenger is asked to volunteer, Alaska will not later deny boarding to that Passenger involuntarily unless the Passenger was informed at the time he/she was asked to volunteer that there was a possibility of being denied boarding involuntarily and of the amount of compensation to which he/she would have been entitled in that event. The request for volunteers and the selection of such persons to be denied space shall be in a manner determined solely by Alaska.
    2. Boarding If a flight is oversold (more Passengers hold confirmed reservations than there are seats available) no one may be denied boarding against his/her will until Alaska personnel first ask for volunteers who will give up their reservations willingly, in exchange for a payment of Alaska's choosing. If there are not enough Passengers who volunteer to relinquish their confirmed reserved space, Alaska may deny boarding to other Passengers involuntarily in accordance with Alaska's boarding priorities. Passengers will be boarded in the following order until all available seats are occupied: (1) All Passengers holding confirmed seat assignments will be boarded; and (2) Passengers who are not holding confirmed seat assignments will be boarded in order of the time they check in (Note: Alaska's reservations system records the time of check-in when seat requests cannot be immediately accommodated). Possible exceptions may be made in the case of Unaccompanied Minors, Qualified Individuals with a Disability, or any other Passenger, who in Alaska's opinion, may suffer severe hardship. Los compromisos de negocios no constituirán, en sí mismos, daños severos. Accompanied children under 12 years of age will be included in the same category as their accompanying Adult Passenger.
    3. Transportation for Passengers Denied Boarding: Alaska will transport Passengers denied boarding, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, without Stopover on its next flight on which space is available at no additional cost to the Passenger regardless of class of service, and if unable to provide onward transportation acceptable to the Passenger, at Alaska's sole discretion and the request of the Passenger, will transport the Passenger by other Carrier or combination of Carriers without Stopover on its (their) next flight(s) in the same class of service as the Passenger's original outbound flight(s), or if space is available on a flight(s) of a different class of service acceptable to the Passenger. Such flight(s) will be used without Stopover at no additional cost to the Passenger only if it (they) will provide an earlier arrival at the Passenger's destination, next Stopover point, or transfer point.
    4. Compensation for Involuntary Denied Boarding Due to an Oversale: In addition to providing transportation as described in Paragraph 4 above, Passengers involuntarily denied boarding will be compensated for Alaska's failure to provide confirmed space in accordance with the provisions below.
    5. In order to receive denied boarding compensation, the Passenger holding a Ticket for confirmed reserved space must have presented himself/herself for Carriage in accordance with this Contract of Carriage, and must have complied fully with Alaska's requirements as to ticketing, check-in, and boarding requirements within the time limits and at the location set out in Rule 15.C. In addition, the flight for which the Passenger holds confirmed reserved space must be unable to accommodate the Passenger and departs without him/her, except that the Passenger will not be eligible for compensation if: (i) the flight on which he/she holds confirmed reserved space is cancelled or is unable to accommodate him/her because of government requisition of space, operational or safety reasons, or substitution of aircraft type of lesser capacity and Alaska took all reasonable measures to avoid the substitution or it was impossible to take such measures; (ii) on a flight operated with an aircraft having 60 or fewer seats, the Passenger is denied boarding due to a safety-related weight/balance restriction that limits payload; (iii) the Passenger is offered accommodations in a section of the aircraft other than specified in their Ticket, at no extra charge (a Passenger seated in a section for which a lower fare is charged must be given an appropriate refund); (iv) Alaska is able to place the Passenger on another flight or flights that are planned to reach the Passenger's next Stopover or final destination within one hour of the planned arrival time of their original flight; or (v) the Passenger is an employee of Alaska or of another Carrier or other Passenger traveling without a confirmed reserved space. Note: Failure to comply with Alaska check-in time limits will result in the cancellation of the Passenger's reservation and will render him/her ineligible for denied boarding compensation.
    6. Monto de Compensación por Rechazo de Embarque

      Domestic Transportation: Passengers traveling between points within the United States (including U.S. Territories and possessions), subject to the exceptions noted in section L.6 of this Rule, who are denied boarding involuntarily from an Oversold Flight are entitled to:

      1. No compensation if Alaska offers alternate transportation that, at the time the arrangement is made, is planned to arrive at the Passenger's destination or first Stopover not later than one (1) hour after the planned arrival time of the Passenger's original flight; or
      2. At least 200% of the fare to the Passenger's destination or first Stopover, or $1,075, whichever is lower, if Alaska offers alternate transportation that, at the time the arrangement is made, is planned to arrive at the Passenger's destination or first Stopover more than one (1) hour but less than two (2) hours after the planned arrival time of the Passenger's original flight; or
      3. At least 400% of the fare to the Passenger's destination or first Stopover, or $2,150, whichever is lower, if Alaska does not offer alternate transportation that, at the time the arrangement is made, is planned to arrive at the airport of the Passenger's destination or first Stopover more than two (2) hours after the planned arrival time of the Passenger's original flight.

      Duración de la Demora

      Vencimiento de la Compensación

      0 a 1 hora de demora

      Sin Compensación

      1 a 2 hora de demora

      200% of One-Way fare (no more than $1075)

      Más de 2 horas de demora

      400% of One-Way fare (no more than $2150)


      International Transportation: Passengers traveling from the United States to a foreign point, subject to the exceptions noted in section L.6 of this Rule, who are denied boarding involuntarily from an Oversold Flight originating at a U.S. airport are entitled to:

      1. No compensation if Alaska offers alternate transportation that, at the time the arrangement is made, is planned to arrive at the Passenger's destination or first Stopover not later than one (1) hour after the planned arrival time of the Passenger's original flight; or
      2. At least 200% of the fare to the Passenger's destination or first Stopover, or $1075, whichever is lower, if Alaska offers alternate transportation that, at the time the arrangement is made, is planned to arrive at the Passenger's destination or first Stopover more than one (1) hour but less than four (4) hours after the planned arrival time of the Passenger's original flight; or
      3. At least 400% of the fare to the Passenger's destination or first Stopover, or $2,150, whichever is lower, if Alaska does not offer alternate transportation that, at the time the arrangement is made, is planned to arrive at the airport of the Passenger's destination or first Stopover more than four (4) hours after the planned arrival time of the Passenger's original flight.

      Duración de la Demora

      Vencimiento de la Compensación

      0 a 1 hora de demora

      Sin Compensación

      1 a 4 hora de demora

      200% of One-Way fare (no more than $1075)

      Más de 4 horas de demora

      400% of One-Way fare (no more than $2150)


      Transportation Originating in Canada: Passengers traveling from Canada to a foreign point, including to the United States, subject to the exceptions noted in section L.6 of this Rule, who are denied boarding involuntarily from an Oversold Flight originating at a Canadian airport are entitled to:

      1. No compensation if Alaska offers alternate transportation that, at the time the arrangement is made, is planned to arrive at the Passenger's destination or first Stopover not later than one (1) hour after the planned arrival time of the Passenger's original flight; or
      2. A maximum payment of $400 CAD if Alaska offers alternate transportation that, at the time the arrangement is made, is planned to arrive at the Passenger's destination or first Stopover more than one (1) hour but less than four (4) hours after the planned arrival time of the Passenger's original flight; or
      3. A maximum payment of $800 CAD if Alaska offers alternate transportation that, at the time the arrangement is made, is planned to arrive at the Passenger's destination or first Stopover more than four (4) hours after the planned arrival time of the Passenger's original flight.

      Transportation Originating from Points Outside the U.S.A. or Canada: Where there is an Oversold Flight that originates outside the U.S.A. or Canada, no compensation will be provided except where required by local or international laws regulating Oversold Flights.

  • If an offer of compensation is made by Alaska and accepted by the Passenger, such payment will constitute full compensation for all actual or anticipatory damages incurred or to be incurred as a result of the failure to provide confirmed reserved space. A los pasajeros a quienes se le ofrezca dicha compensación no recibirán las comodidades y servicios ofrecidos según las cláusulas de la Regla 8.
  • Method of Payment. Except as provided below, Alaska will give each Passenger who qualifies for involuntary denied boarding compensation, except for those traveling from Canada, a payment by cash or check for the amount specified above, on the day and at the place the involuntary denied boarding occurs. However, if Alaska arranges alternate transportation for the Passenger's convenience that departs before the payment can be made, the payment shall be sent by mail or other means to the Passenger within 24 hours after the time the denied boarding occurs. Alaska may offer free or discounted air transportation in place of the cash payment due under this Rule, if the value of the air transportation offered is equal to or greater than the monetary compensation otherwise due and Alaska informs the Passenger of the amount and that the Passenger may decline the transportation benefit and receive monetary compensation. In that event, Alaska must disclose all material restrictions on the use of the free or discounted transportation before the Passenger decides whether to accept the transportation in lieu of a cash or check payment. The Passenger may insist on the cash/check payment or refuse all compensation and bring private legal action.
  • Limitation of Liability for Denied Boarding. Acceptance of the compensation by the Passenger pursuant to the above provisions in this Rule constitutes full compensation for all actual or anticipatory damages incurred or to be incurred by the Passenger as a result of Alaska's failure to provide the Passenger with confirmed reserved space and relieves Alaska from any further liability to the Passenger caused by Alaska's failure to honor the confirmed reservation. If Alaska's offer of compensation pursuant to the above provisions is not accepted, Alaska's liability is limited to actual damages proved not to exceed $2150 USD per ticketed Passenger as a result of Alaska's failure to provide the Passenger with confirmed reserved space. Passenger will be responsible for providing documentation of all actual damages claimed. Alaska shall not be liable for any punitive, consequential or special damages arising out of or in connection with Alaska's failure to provide the Passenger with confirmed reserved space. However, the Passenger may decline the payment and seek to recover damages in a court of law or in some other manner.