Opciones de registro
Registro por Internet
Skip the line and head straight for your gate.
- Regístrese anytime from 1 to 24 hours before your flight.
- Imprima su tarjeta de abordar y listo para partir.
- Checking bags? Easily pay your checked baggage charges online with a credit or debit card, then bring them to the baggage-check location.
- También puede cambiar la asignación de su asiento, realizar el ascenso a Primera Clase e imprimir el recibo de su vuelo.
Gate assignments and departure times can change so be sure to check the flight information monitors at the airport.
Registro en su celular
Check in on alaskaair.com or on your phone or tablet with our mobile app, anytime from 1 to 24 hours before your flight.
Detalles del registro en su celular
New lobby experience
In the coming months, we’ll be transitioning away from self-service kiosks to a new lobby experience featuring online check-in and bag tag stations. Find out what to expect from our streamlined lobby in the future.
Checking bags
Please visit our kiosks or Bag Tag Stations in the airport to pay for checked baggage charges up to 4 hours* prior to your flight's scheduled departure time, then head to the bag drop area with your tagged bags. Vea las guías de aeropuertos to determine ticket counter hours for your airport as they may not open until closer to your departure time.
* Debido a restricciones para la preautorización de la Aduana de Estados Unidos, Vancouver (YVR) sólo puede aceptar equipaje 3 horas antes de la salida. Calgary (YYC) sólo puede aceptar equipaje 2 horas antes de la salida.
Registro en el mostrador
If you are traveling with a paper ticket or just need some extra help with the check-in process on the day of departure, our customer service agents are always available to assist in-person check-in. Please note that checked baggage is only accepted within 4 hours of your scheduled departure.