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Política de cancelación de 24 horas

Cancel your flights within 24 hours of purchase for a full refund, or make a change* to your itinerary within 24 hours of purchase with no change fees.

Planear un viaje puede ser complicado; los obstáculos suelen surgir cuando menos se los espera. No matter what sort of surprises life has in store, you have the flexibility to cancel your travel with our 24-hour cancellation policy.

¿Cómo funciona?

You can cancel or change* your flights online, just by visiting our manage reservation .

When your plans change within the first 24 hours following your ticket purchase, here’s what you need to know:

  • If you need to cancel your flights, we will refund** you the cost of your unused tickets.
  • If you need to change* your flights, you can do so one time without paying any change fees.

Important notes:

  • The 24-hour cancellation policy only applies to tickets booked for travel starting more than 24 hours from the time of purchase.
    For tickets purchased within 24 hours of departure time, our standard change and cancellation policy applies immediately after ticketing.
  • You'll still be responsible for any fare increases and taxes that apply to your new itinerary.

With this policy making changes simple and affordable, go ahead and get started booking your flights now, worry-free.

* Para tarifas Saver, no changes are allowed , but you may cancel and refund your ticket as described above.

** Refunds may take up to seven (7) business days to be returned to your original form of payment.