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Documentos de viaje

Wondering what information you'll need as you head to the airport? Learn all about the documents and security details you'll need before your flight.

Documentos para viajes nacionales Identificación que cumpla con la norma REAL ID Información sobre viajes internacionales Información de viajes con código compartido Programa PreCheck® de la TSA TSA PreCheck® Touchless ID Program Programa Secure Flight de la TSA CLEAR Plus Impuestos al turismo de México Belize tourism taxes

TSA PreCheck® program

Pase más rápido por el control de seguridad del aeropuerto

Looking for a way to make your trips as hassle-free as possible?

With TSA PreCheck member on your boarding pass, you won't need to remove your shoes, light jacket or belt, liquids and your laptop stay in your bag, and children 12 and under stay with you.

Clear Plus + TSA PreCheck Bundle
$77.95 (5 years of TSA PreCheck) + $122 (1st year of CLEAR Plus) = both products for a total of $199.95.

Easily enroll in TSA PreCheck and CLEAR Plus at the airport—just $199.95 for both. As a Mileage Plan member, you're also eligible for a mileage bonus. Once you enroll in CLEAR Plus, link your Mileage Plan account to get your miles.

Who is eligible for TSA PreCheck?
  • Members of Global Entry or the TSA PreCheck application program
  • Members of NEXUS who are US or Canadian citizens or US lawful permanent residents
  • Members of SENTRI who are US citizens or US lawful permanent residents
  • US Department of Defense active duty and civilian employees
  • Individual guests designated by TSA as PreCheck-eligible for a particular flight
  • Children ages 12 and younger may use the TSA PreCheck lane when traveling with a parent or guardian who has the indicator on their boarding pass
How do I sign up for TSA PreCheck?

Apply directly to the TSA PreCheck program "Esto indica que el enlace lo lleva a un sitio externo que puede no tener las mismas políticas de accesibilidad o privacidad que Alaska Airlines. Al seleccionar el enlace de un socio, usted acepta compartir sus datos con estos sitios"., or choose another of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Trusted Traveler Programs "Esto indica que el enlace lo lleva a un sitio externo que puede no tener las mismas políticas de accesibilidad o privacidad que Alaska Airlines. Al seleccionar el enlace de un socio, usted acepta compartir sus datos con estos sitios"., based on your specific travel needs. Visit dhs.gov "Esto indica que el enlace lo lleva a un sitio externo que puede no tener las mismas políticas de accesibilidad o privacidad que Alaska Airlines. Al seleccionar el enlace de un socio, usted acepta compartir sus datos con estos sitios". para obtener más información.

Add your Known Traveler Number to your profile on alaskaair.com.

If you’d like your Known Traveler number to be automatically added to every reservation you book on alaskaair.com, you can store the number in the Traveler profiles section of your My account profile To do this:

  1. Ingrese a su Mileage Plan™ account.
  2. A screen capture of the My Account page
  3. Select Profile and Settings from the drop–down menu in the top left of your account page.
  4. A screen capture showing the drop down menu of My Account.
  5. In the About you section, click on Travel documents.
  6. A screen capture showing the profile section of My Account.
  7. Select Add Known Traveler.
  8. A screen capture showing the profile section of My Account.
  9. Type in your known traveler number.
  10. Click Add known traveler number to submit
  11. A screen capture showing the profile section of My Account.
Add your Known Traveler Number to an existing reservation

When you book travel somewhere other than alaskaair.com, your Known Traveler Number isn't always passed along to us, and it isn't automatically added to your reservation from your Traveler profile in your My account.

Adding your Known Traveler Number directly to a trip you've already booked will ensure we have the information.

You can add the number using our mobile app or on the website.

Using our mobile app:

  1. Open our app on your mobile device. Don’t have the app yet? Download it here, and sign in your account.
  2. On the Trips screen of the app, select the existing trip to which you want to add the number.
  3. Find the names of the passengers included in the reservation.
  4. Click on a name to see the "TSA numbers" link, and click on that link.
  5. Type in your Known Traveler Number and save it by clicking the "Add number" button.

On the website:

  1. Ingrese a su perfil de My Account.
  2. On the left side of the main account page, find the My trips section and click on the Purchased link.
  3. On the My trips - purchased page, open the reservation you want to edit.
  4. Go to the Passenger information section, and click on the "Enter additional travel info" link.
  5. A screen capture directing the customer to go to the Passenger information section, and click on the enter additional travel info link.
  6. Select the passenger, then scroll down to the Known Traveler Number field and add your number there.
  7. A screen capture directing the the customer to select the passenger, then scroll down to the known traveler number field and your number there.
  8. Click save.

On the day of your flight:

If cleared, a PreCheck symbol will be visible on your boarding pass, and your PreCheck eligibility is embedded into the boarding pass barcode.

Once you have checked in for a flight and see the PreCheck symbol on your boarding pass, head for the designated PreCheck lane at the airport security area.

A TSA agent will scan the barcode on your boarding pass, and may then direct you to a lane to receive expedited screening. *

*TSA determines criteria for expedited screening on a per-flight-segment basis and eligibility for the TSA PreCheck program does not guarantee that you will receive expedited screening for every flight.

Read more TSA PreCheck frequently asked questions